Earth is just er without art...

Earth is just er without art...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Using my new manual focus 70-300mm lens.

Since today was so beautiful outside, I took a walk in Bar Harbor. I ended up with a few shots I really liked.


Ellie said...

I really like the last one because of the focus. It's really tricky to photograph moving objects and that one came out really well! Nice job!

Olivia E said...

I love all of these!! The dog's expression is so cute!! and I love the textures on the bird's wings. Nice timing on all of them!

Kat Murphy said...

Thank you both! :) The bird took like, 23641928734698123764913278649387659348765 tries to get.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so cool! The bird one is awesome!

Kat Murphy said...
